Free Mini-Course

Transform a defensive reaction into a constructive response

A free online mini-course for  leaders, trainers, facilitators and anyone with a desire to better manage defensive reactions

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Dive into this free online course and find out how to ...

  • better manage defensive reactions
  • be more effective at building successful relationships at home and at work
  • create more openness, trust and psychological safety in your environment 

By subscribing to this mini-journey, you will automatically get updates from me from time to time. You will be able to unsubscribe at any moment.


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I want more of this  

I enjoy Malou's teaching style and this mini-course awakened my curiosity to go further and deeper!

Ann Van Riet - Business Coach

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A positive impact 

Putting these exercises into a daily practice changed my relationship profoundly.

Hervé Da Costa - Author, speaker, CEO Whisperer

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Easy and powerful

This has opened my world of new solutions to long standing conflicts. 

Dr. Kathleen Defoort - Medical Doctor

Course Features

  • a short intro on counteractive change versus transformational change
  • 3 short audio exercises  to help you manage your defensive pattern
  • 3 one-page worksheets and a summarising workbook
  • short video's regarding research on change factors, the three level view of change and an introduction to the ENBA theory on human functioning and change
  • a free 20 min call to explore your defensive pattern (if needed) or for any questions you might have after going through this mini-journey

By subscribing to this mini-journey, you will automatically get updates from me from time to time. You will be able to unsubscribe at any moment.

Meet Malou

Therapist, Coach, Master Trainer, Developer and Teacher of the ENBA theory and the Transformational Keys® facilitation model

I teach therapists, coaches, trainers and empathic leaders how to facilitate transformational change.

My mixed background in engineering, management, psychology, training, coaching and therapy allowed me to develop the ENBA theory, a unifying theory on human functioning and change, and the Transformational Keys facilitation model, a powerful facilitation model to support individuals and groups in deep transformational processes.

I love to support others in raising their level of consciousness, in addressing the root cause of their unwanted symptoms (like defence mechanisms, undesirable traits, unhealthy habits, etc.) and in helping them to create positive and effective environments to work and live in, with more openness, trust, psychological safety, self-accountability and constructive conflict-resolution.

I want this!
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Template Design by Sneha